Friday, April 5, 2024

acceptable definitions


All language is metaphor

(map, not territory)

Every pictograph tells a

plethora of stories.

How communicate, carefully,

peacefully, in this chaos?

Words defined with but more words.

Where do we find that key experience,

how share?

Within boundaries

silently accepted.

You must understand that you live

in a world with vast other lives.

You have no natural right to say

who may live in this world along 

with you.  This is good.

You may be unwanted by others.

These people seem to insist on

destructive, irrational thought and

action -- not because they are unable

to think/act rationally, but because

they are unwilling.

Destructive explosions generate energy

but, What a mess!

So dangerous!

Safer, more blessed

energy generated by uniting.

How are the Trumpettes to take these

trials seriously when their guy is given

considerations well beyond those granted

normal defendants, as if it is understood

that he deserves better.

Violence, Addictions, Suicides

are these indications of a healthy society?

if we want these services we have to pay 

for them, at a wage that properly 

compensates the service providers so 

they have the democratic advantages of 

being able to vote with their wages for the 

goods and services they need for a good life

So sad!  So very many bullies --

enough to torture so many of us,

each for our own sin against their

acceptable definitions.


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