Friday, October 11, 2024



You need to start small,
what you can do on your own,
while you (hopefully) locate  others
you can join with.  But keep expectations
small.  You can't count on the will
of The People, or even wide action
on obvious self-interest.  The People
are busy dealing with living their lives.

People who believe the US is
by and for those White Christian
BusinessMen vying to die with
all of the toys.

Kamala Harris is not running against
some perfect candidate.  She is 
running against Donald Trump.
If you wanted a perfect candidate,
you had four years since the last was
elected to find and promote them, and
what did you do then?  Now's the time
to vote for Harris, then go out and find
your perfect candidate for next time.

As to Gaza, by the time the next POTUS
takes office in January (providing that actually
happens), how much will be left to save?
In any case, the situation will have changed,
and may well be much worse, or even
much better.

Terrorists cause death and destruction 
to bring attention to their point.
What do we call terrorism for its own
sake, as we see so often these days
by our ubiquitous mass shooters?

SCOTUS, in league with Texas
suborning manslaughter, or possibly
1st degree murder, disallowing life-saving

No, this is NOT self-defense.  Netanyahu,
like Putin invading a sovereign country,
murdering and terrorizing the civilians,
because they can.

It would not be sane or useful to defend
oneself against a bully by blowing up
the school full of kids and teachers (and
others).  How can one think the result
would not be desperately brutal revenge,
not from the bully, but all those new,
unnecessary enemies, aghast at those actions,
feeling the utmost need for defense against
those perpetrators of terror and death.

Advancing toward better gentleness.

Look at the many outrageously stupid
ways we handicap ourselves by insisting
on dividing ourselves into fake categories
to enforce inequalities.

Biden has been in an impossible situation, 
made more poignant by his longtime, and 
generally accepted  by US history, love and 
support for Israel as the democracy of the 
Middle East.  He strives to be bipartisan, 
POTUS for all Americans, many of whom are
 strong supporters of Israel, including many in 
Congress who vote for those weapons to be sent 
there (perhaps to some extent in support of 
those weapons' manufacturers who 
support candidates).

Yet, he is a deeply feeling man who 
understands and abhors the suffering 
of civilians.  He has valiantly tried to 
encourage peace, but Netanyahu is having 
none of it (perhaps to some extent in 
support of Trump who he may see as 
being a better ally to himself).

Apparently Biden's policy is (and has 
been) to work for a ceasefire.  It's 
Netanyahu's policy to commit genocide 
and take over the Palestinian territory, 
and Republican (Congress) policy to keep 
up the arms payments to support genocide 
by Israel (as promoted by Trump's love for
"strongmen" and real estate deals)

While we know Trump is all about real 
estate deals for the current Palestinian 
land once it's been(bloodily) cleared, 
we don't really know Harris's plans.

Right now she is VPOTUS -- not in charge, and 
honor bound to support her President.  
Yet, she does not have the decades of matter 
of course support of Israel, but comes \
rom a generation in which Israeli cruelty 
and bad faith has played out. If she has 
a Democratic Congress, it would be easier 
to replace authorizations for Israeli defense 
funding that now rule, especially if those 
Congresspeople are elected with their 
positions on Palestine in mind.

Of course, the Christian Right is 
pro-Israeli victory, despite their loud 
anti-semitism, in their quest for the 
Apocalypse, and as allies in Islamophobia. 
There are other powerful US groups 
with pro-Israel biases vying for their 
voice in our national policies. I am thinking 
it might be useful to find out who Harris listens to,
 respects, and develop a dialog.(social media)

AI targeting loves to annihilate those 
terrified civilians: just tell them we 
were targeting Hamas/Hezbollah 
operatives, they won't check.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Israel Palestine Biden Harris Trump

Biden has been in an impossible situation, made more poignant by his longtime, and generally accepted by US history, love and support for Israel as the democracy of the Middle East.  He strives to be bipartisan,  POTUS for all Americans, many of whom are strong supporters of Israel, including many in Congress who vote for those weapons to be sent there (perhaps to some extent in support of those weapons' manufacturers who support candidates).

Yet, he is a deeply feeling man who understands and abhors the suffering of civilians.  He has valiantly tried to encourage peace, but Netanyahu is having none of it (perhaps to some extent in support of Trump who he may see as being a better ally to himself).

Apparently Biden's policy is (and has been) to work for a ceasefire.  It's Netanyahu's policy to commit genocide and take over the Palestinian territory, and Republican (Congress) policy to keep up the arms payments to support genocide by Israel (as promoted by Trump and Jared)

While we know Trump is all about real estate deals for the current Palestinian land once it's been (bloodily) cleared, we don't really know Harris's plans.

Right now she is VPOTUS -- not in charge, and honor bound to support her President.  Yet, she does not have the decades of matter of course support of Israel, but comes from a generation in which Israeli cruelty and bad faith has played out. If she has a Democratic Congress, it would be easier to replace authorizations for Israeli defense funding that now rule, especially if those Congresspeople are elected with their positions on Palestine in mind.

Of course, the Christian Right is pro-Israeli victory, despite their loud anti-semitism, in their quest for the Apocalypse, and as allies in Islamophobia. There are other powerful US groups with pro-Israel biases vying for their voice in our national policies. I am thinking it might be useful to find out who Harris listens to,  respects, and develop a dialog.(social media)

Friday, October 4, 2024



All people suck at times
But very few are truly evil --
happy to destroy for their petty 
convenience and pleasure

Trump a protector of women --
sounds Talibanish

With their masterful intelligence and
precision strikes, the Israeli policy is
obviously to slaughter civilians
Netanyahu and Putin -- Beasts of 
AntiChrist fame.  Apocalyptic
destruction their game

I tend to act compulsively in anger,
an my impulse is not peaceful.
Yet, I understand the utility and value
of peace.

None appear so stupid as those
who refuse to think

AI targeting loves to annihilate those 
terrified civilians: just tell them we were 
targeting Hamas/Hezbollah operatives, 
they won't check

we are all allowing genocide and ethnic 
cleansing, we are all part of the greater 
world that is destroying itself
some of us do what we can (or believe we can) 
to ameliorate the destruction, to plead for 
better acts from our fellows, to make the changes 
we can and talk about where we would go if 
we could -- because incremental changes build up 
if continued and built on until the point 
where suddenly everything has changed

America may well become one (Democratic) 
major party for a bit if the Republicans don't
get more in line with the will of The People -- 
but certainly other parties will come to the fore 
as their policies become popular -- 
however, political parties do not democracy 
make but rather they can be a danger 
through the divisiveness that's killing 
our better natures

I've just been wondering if a reason 
for the recent fascination with authoritarianism 
is due to people feeling overwhelming fears about 
the planet, about violence, and want to be lied to, 
to be given "reason" to feel better.

and what have you done to bring a major 
political party closer to your ideal? 
Do you write letters, attend meetings, 
work on campaigns, get to know local 
candidates, run for something, anything?
 Or do you just promote spoilers 
who you know can't get the office?


Friday, September 27, 2024

politicization kills


Keep your eyes well covered
So you won't see it coming
Until you drown or burn

Politicization is killing us,
and making the lives we keep
much more miserable than they
need be.  Not for useful or
meaningful reason, not even 
guaranteeing the benefit to
politicians they may think they court.
How about instead of creating and
exacerbating these unnecessary
tragedies, people working to gain
public office do so through 
reasonable programs for solutions 
to our actual issues.

We did not consent to be ruled by
machines.  Our philosophy is rule 
by law, which we all have a voice in.
An excuse about decisions being 
made by machines, or rote, is no 
excuse but an admission of guilt, 
of not doing the job we agreed to.


Rather than making lives better 
through goods and services refined 
for customer satisfaction, today's 
capitalism is about forcing businesses 
and consumers to deal with what has 
been decided to be best for immediate 

The pure brutality of Netanyahu 
should be clear evidence to the 
world of the righteousness of 
Hamas' cause -- look!
What kinds of retaliation, or even 
defense, is Hamas waging against Israel?  
Only terrorist tactics were available 
to them.
If we call out their acts as brutality 
(which they were), what is the level 
of that brutality measured against 

With this escalation toward al all out war
against more and more, don't the Israeli
people understand the danger they 
are creating for themselves?  That it 
is a matter of their continued 
existence to overthrow
Netanyahu any way they can?

While we know Trump is all about
real estate deals for the current 
Palestinian land once it's been 
(bloodily) cleared, we don't really 
know Harris's plans.
Right now she is VPOTUS -- not in
charge, and honor bound to support 
her President.  Yet, she does not have 
the decades of matter of course 
support of Israel, but comes from a 
generation in which Israeli cruelty 
and bad faith has played out.
If she has a Democratic Congress, it 
would be easier to replace authorizations 
for Israeli defense funding that now rule, 
especially if those Congresspeople are 
elected with their positions on Palestine 
in mind.
Of course, the Christian Right is 
pro-Israeli victory, despite their l
oud anti-semitism, in their quest for the 
Apocalypse, and as allies in Islamophobia.  
There are other powerful US groups 
with pro-Israel biases vying for their
voice in our national policies.
I am thinking it might be useful to find out
who Harris listens to, respects, and 
develop a dialog.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Autumn Rising

 there is artificial (machine) intelligence 
that has been useful in many and varied 
projects, that has been used and improved 
over many years
but this is not the stupid LLM being over 
hyped these days, which has nothing to do 
with intelligence but is more a kind of parlor trick

I guess I often don't do as people expect.
I don't get what they expect.
So just sort of wing it (mostly quietly)
When I was young they told me
I had emotional problems.
Apparentely I was supposed to control
my emotions?  But they wouldn't 
tell me how.
I figured out to be quiet, and keep
my own counsel.

Policies for the improvement of people's
lives sometimes are countered by
concerns that bad actors may use
these to make bad outcomes.
Doesn't it then make better sense
to counter the bad actors, prevent
or punish their harm, rather than
forego the possible positive outcomes
from such policies?

Their tactics are clearly not about
facts, but manipulating emotions.

How dare they
corrupt good words
with their nasty connotations

Why would we give people with
the abilities to amass money
the credibility to decide where
we focus our concerns and how?

psychosis = not able to cope with
consensual reality.

distract from discomfort and chase

How is it that the ever greater impact
of severe weather on national
economies does not compel us to
understand the greater cost of not
doing all we can to mitigate the
effects of climate change?

We have the ideas, the plans to
solve our problems, and enough
computer power to number crunch
for accuracy.  What we need is
not AI, but appropriate discussion
and implementation, and means of
funding -- which the hype over AI
has been hindering, not helping.

Apparently the GOP's base philosophy
is an outgrowth of their narcissistic
fantasy that the US is meant to be a
nation for the benefit of White Christian
Businessmen, able to do as they will
without restraint or taxation.

Friday, August 23, 2024

war and peace

 Why is there no right to be left alone,
and no right to be heard?

Maybe it's as simple as having 
an artist's soul

None of it is easy
that's what is
What do you do with your life?
What do you want to do?
How reconcile -- to do what is 
meaningful to you
within the boundaries given?

We seem to have lost respect for
well directed hard work and meaningfully
good intentions, instead intent on
insulting with the crowd.

War and Peace

Rape, angry savagery
these have been weapons of war
since war began
since we began
Send out young men with everything
to prove
in a world where masculinity
means obdurate strength against all 
comers, no mercy, no soft sensibilities.

Mere politics won't change this.
Leaders are caught up in their social
norms.  Only cultural shift can move human
behavior to a place of greater sanity,
those better lives we claim so deeply to

Hate is too potent, to important an emotion
to harbor wholesale.
Hate ought be intimate, one to one,
based on true harm.

We, each and all, need to discover,
to invent, to learn, to devise our ways
to become, each and all, imbued with
kindness, compassion, the enlightened
self-interest of win/win/win.
This is as possible as any goal mankind
might plan, encourage, carry through.
That each and every me and you
has our part in, our literal skin in,
shareholders all.
Or would you rather continue to fall,
to fail to thrive?

Sunday, August 11, 2024

social roles for public betterment

 when the wealthy elite complain about 
government programs to help the less well 
off, are they forgetting, or embarrassed, that 
their social role is in part to provide the 
funds for public betterment

you want kids safe?  tell them the truth, 
give them options and ideas for 
self-protection, be safe to them, treat them 
like intelligent humans who are merely 
inexperienced in some of the ways of the world

(and they'll be much mentally healthier as well)

categorizing by gender only 
perpetuates gender myths and inequality

rather, categorize by level of ability

it's not about the money
the cruelty is the point
we do need to organize and fight back against the bullies

Has anyone else noticed Musk's intense bipolar energy?

It may come down to excellent education
-- not as a political football or a means
to profit -- based on values of the benefits
of an intelligent, aware electorate;
providing the building blocks to create
the great ideas of the future, the solutions,
products, breakthroughs, new enterprises
not yet imagined, to take us further
toward our best potentials.

Racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia
Homophobia -- all of these are more
wholesale hates are basically a form of
social tribalism that claims:  You are not
proper people according to our teachings.

Though given every consideration in 
public discourse, media bias, and 
political maneuvering, the ideas/ideals
of the Conservative Christian Right
are for the most part abhorred and find
no favor with The People.
